For over 20 years, Sartas has been the principal distributor of top quality sunbeds and umbrellas to the finest hotels in Cyprus. Representing Balliu, Lietomare and Gufo, Europe's premier manufacturers of summer outdoor furnishings, our company will be happy to work with you to find exactly the combination you're looking for, providing both a distinctive look and unbeatable quality. You can choose the colors you want and be assured that the sturdy fabrics,  the high quality polypropylene synthesis resin and the special thermal, antistatic and ultraviolet stabilizers, will guarantee that our sunbeds and umbrellas will look beautiful and require minimal maintenance for many years to come. So, why don't you give us a call today, or drop us an email, for a no-obligation consultation?

27 Zakynthos Street, 6018 Larnaca, Cyprus | Phone: +357.24.642221 | Fax: +357.24.668773 | Mobile: +357.99.659400 |

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